When will the schedule be released for the baseball tournament?

Schedules are released by 4pm on the Monday prior to the tournament. 
How do I register for a tournament?

See the instructions under the 2025 Baseball Tournament Tab and Team Registration Instructions.  It is a 2 step process!
How can I check for a weather delay or cancellation?

If a schedule change is made, all enrolled players and coaches will receive an e-mail.  We will also update our Facebook.  
How can I submit my team's roster and player's waivers ?

See the instructions under the 2025 Baseball Tournament Tab and Roster Instructions
How can I check my roster?

To verify that your roster is correct, go to the tournament you are participating in, click on your age division and click on your team name. If a player is missing, see the instructions under the Registration Tab and Roster Instructions. 
I have already submitted my roster, how can I add a player?                                                                                                                                             See the instructions under the 2025 Baseball Tournament Tab and Roster Instructions
I'm having trouble registering my player?                                                                                                                                             Coaches need to add players to their roster, the system will then send a registration email to the email that the coach used.  You must use the email and the name the coach used to connect your player to the roster, both of these are listed in the email the system sends. If you would like to use a different email than what the coach used, you will need to contact the coach to have them change your email. 
What is the age determination?

We use May 1st as the age determination. The year of the age determination is listed within the tournament information page. If your team played 9U in the spring, they would play 10U in the fall.  Age is determined by your oldest player on the team. 
Are pets permitted at the facility?

Pets are not permitted at any of the NOS facilities. 
Are metal spikes permitted on the turf fields?

No, metal spikes are not permitted on any of the NOS fields. 
Where can I find the rules for a baseball tournament?

Rules are posted on our website under the 2025 Baseball Tournament Tab 
Are coolers permitted?

Only "six pack" size coolers are permitted in the NOS facilities; all others will need to be kept in your vehicle. 
Is there a gate fee for the baseball tournaments?

There is a gate fee for the baseball tournaments, it is $5.00 per adult per day. 
Are propane heaters or grills permitted?

No, propane heaters or grills are not permitted at any of the NOS facilities; this includes in the parking lots. 
 What are the bases set at? 
 8U - 60' 
 9U & 10U - 65' 
 10U & 12U - 70' 
 13U - 80' 
 14u - 16U - 90' 
 What is the mound distance to the plate? 
 8U - 42 
 9U & 10U - 46' 
 10U & 12U - 50' 
 13U - 54' 
 14u - 16U - 60'6" 
 How many innings are played? 
 8U - 13U - 6 inning games 
 14u - 16U - 7 inning games 
 Where can I find the 8U rules? 
 8U Rules:

  Kid Pitch. No leads. Players may steal bases when the pitch crosses home plate.

  No stealing home. Home plate is locked except when the ball is batted only.

  In the event of a dropped 3rd strike the batter is out and may not try to advance to 1st base. 

 Infield fly rule is in effect.  The pitcher and catcher may be ran for anytime. The base runner would be the last recorded out. 

 All 8U games will be 1:45 mins. 

-All other rules will revert to the No Offseason rules outlined on the Team Welcome Packet.  
 Field Dimensions 
Russellton Complex

Soccer Fields #1 and #2 

360 feet long x 200 feet wide 
Baseball Field #1 (Full Turf) 

LF 320

CF 365

RF 301

Baseball Field #2 (Full Turf)

LF 327

CF 340

RF 325
 NOS Tarentum Complex 
(All Fields are Infield Turf and outfield Grass)

Baseball Field 1 

LF 294 

CF 280 

RF 290 
 Baseball Field 2 

LF 147 

CF 165 

RF 150 
 Baseball Field 3 



 Baseball Field 4 



 Baseball Field 5 



 Baseball Field 6 



 Baseball Field 7 



 For all other tournament related questions, please reference our welcome packet: 

View our Welcome Packet