Our Story

 "When I was six, my dad taught me to work hard at the things I loved. For me, that was building things. Fast forward a generation, and I was determined to teach my son that same principle, to work hard at his passion. For him it was sports, especially baseball. Like any dad, I wanted to give my son the best opportunities. 

However, with Pittsburgh weather and limited indoor facilities, offseason training was not an option. So I built a small indoor training facility and hired a professional trainer to work with my budding athlete. I drove to Illinois to buy a couple of used pitching machines I found online. The countless farms I passed along the way, with hard-working farmers tending to their fields, really stood out to me the entire 10 hour trip. I can still hear the rooster crowing early the next morning, waking me up to get my machines. When I arrived at the farm, I was greeted by a young man. 

He explained he was selling the pitching machines for his father who had recently passed away. He led me to a huge red barn and slid the sturdy doors open, revealing the pitching machines. He told me how his dad bought them for him and his brothers to practice in the barn when the weather was bad. With a chuckle, he remembered his dad always saying, “There is no offseason.” 

That simple phrase grabbed my attention. Right then I had a clear vision of what No Offseason would be—a place for young athletes to be the very best they could be, and to develop that strong work ethic instilled in me all those years ago, through sports and athletic training.  

And these dedicated athletes have No Offseason." Charles Vrabel Jr. Founder, No Offseason Sports 


Seed - To offer the foundation for athletes by providing year round sports through our indoor training facilities and our outdoor sports park Root - To instill a hard work ethic through sports and athletic training in a positive environment Blossom - For each athlete to realize self-confidence Mature - For the Athlete to achieve their personal best and attain excellence- reaping the benefits of their hard work and determination