To Enter your roster to the Master List 

1. Log into your account from the “Sign In” at the top left of 

2. Under Manage Rosters” click on the team you would like to enter 

3. Click the “Add to Roster” 

4. You will need to enter the Name and Email for each player, clicking “Add” after each player 

5. Each player’s parents will receive an invitation email to be enrolled on your team. They must accept this invite and enroll onto your team, or they ARE NOT on your roster.

6. Once a player has enrolled to your team, a gray check mark displays in the enrolled column for that team member 

7. Your “Master Roster” is now ready to be copied to individual tournaments 

 To Copy your roster to a tournament 

1. Log into your account from the “Sign In” at the top left of 

2. Under “Manage Rosters” click on the team you would like to copy to a tournament 

3. Below you will see all tournaments that team has been registered to 

4. If you do not see the tournament you registered for, call so that we can assist in resolving the issue 

5. Click on the magnify glass to the right of the tournament you want to add the roster to 

6. Click “Copy Master” and the roster you set up for that age division will appear below 

7. If you do not want the entire master roster to be added, you can select “Add to Roster” to select which players from your master roster to add to the selected tournament. 

8. When your roster is completed click “Submit” 

 To Add to your roster after you have already copied a Master Roster to a tournament 

1. If you need to add to your roster, you must first add the player in the “Master Roster” using the “Add to Roster” button. This will add the player to your “Master Roster” (same steps as above under To Enter your roster to the Master List) 

2. Once the player has enrolled to your “Master Roster” (the admin of the team will receive an email) you can then add that player to the tournament roster 

3. Adding the player to the tournament roster (Follow steps 1-6 of To Copy your roster to a tournament) 

4. Click “Add to Roster” and any player on your “Master Roster” that has enrolled and is not already on your tournament roster will show in the “Roster Members” box 

5. Check the box next to all players you would like to add and click “Add” 

6. You will then need to click “Submit” to repost your updated roster 

 If you have any questions, I am happy to help! 

 Becky 724-939-3916